April 15



It’s been three years since I blogged!

Oh my! Where has that time gone? One thing is for sure I’ll never get that time back so if I blinked and missed most of it, I only have myself to blame!

Time is one of those things we all try to save…yet it is the one thing we cannot save. It keeps on ticking by…..and so does life.

If you are lucky…….

I say that because right now at the time of writing this there have been 148k (one hundred and forty-eight thousand), deaths world-wide in a short space of time, due to a pandemic virus that has brought the world (well almost all of it) to a standstill. Several countries are on lock down with rules about that tighter in some countries than others. This pandemic will be recorded in the history books for sure.

It is not my intention to focus on the pandemic rather it is to focus on the time we have been given to be at home, albeit under strange and restricted circumstances – restricted as far as movement is concerned.

You know that elusive time we all experience? When we do not have time to do the jobs that need doing, to re-commence writing a blog, for getting in touch with family or friends, to learn a new skill or to gain a better understanding of something? Or even someone?

Well we no longer have that excuse!

So tell me what have you been up during this gift of time you have been granted?

Have you for example, caught up with the most important person in your life yet? YOU?

Have you begun to take the time to check in with yourself, to get to know yourself better and to understand yourself better?

Why am I asking these questions?

Simply because we always put ourselves on the back burner. Especially when it comes down to our deep emotional needs. We kid ourselves that we are too busy to do anything about it and the ‘it’ just keeps on eating away at us whilst we push forward constantly doing. Why is that?

In doing so that ‘too busy’ becomes we not important enough and our self-esteem and self-confidence takes a hit. That is if it even existed in the first place. Striking any chords yet?

So what type of thing do we keep pushing down?  What do we use to do that?

Well it’s our emotions we try to ignore by filling our time we stuff and we also revert to filling our body with stuff to ease the pain under the guise of ‘comfort.’ Whether that is food, alcohol, drugs or sex, they are all used to serve the same purpose. To fill the emotional void.

Now is the perfect time to address emotional needs. Why? Simply because we now have the time to do it. The time we have spent time wishing for.

If not now when?

There is never a ‘right time’ to do this kind of work …..the inner work …we know deep within we really need to be addressing so we can live our best life.

In the main life’s problems ebb and flow just like the waves in the ocean….and as those waves erode the shoreline, so too our unmet emotional emotional needs erode not only our mental health they erode our physical health too. Indeed those problems that never go away, the ones that constantly eat at us, have the potential to not just erode our health they can make a huge indentation, quite literally stopping us in our tracks. A bit like this virus.

How can you at this time begin to address what you know you need to address?
Maybe you need to take time to ‘go within’ and sit quietly to work out what you want to do with the rest of your life?
Where do you want to be in 6 months, a year, 3 or 5 years from now?
What do you want to be doing?
Are you ready to become the person you know you are meant to be, doing what you are meant to be doing?
What simple action steps do you know you can take right now?
Would you like some help with this?

What will stop you from taking some form of action right now?

Living your best life is down to you………..

Changing your life is down to you………..

Is it easy? Not necessarily but it sure is worth it!

It may not seem like it right now….we have been gifted this time. So why not use it to sort your life out?

That way when lock down is over ….at least you will know what direction you are ready to move in……

Would you like some help with that?

Reach out……..

I offer a free 45 minute consultation to set you on the road to setting yourself free to live your best life! Click here


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