Your Health IS Your Wealth

November 6

Your Health IS Your Wealth


If you knew just how much your health is worth in terms of wealth, what would you change in your life to protect and improve your health?

Creating wealth is important – we see and hear about this everyday in some way shape or form. It has become the be all and end all of modern civilisation. Some people will stop at nothing to create vast amounts of wealth that they then use to destroy others…we see and hear about that every day too.

As humans we spend a great deal of time measuring ourselves, and our worth. That is worth in terms of wealth which we can break down into ‘stuff’ and money.

We invest in what will give us greater worth. Whether that is gold, diamonds, property, classic cars, art, stocks and shares or the latest craze is crypto currency of which many are springing up.

We take our time to check things out before investing our hard-earned cash in the hope that it will make us even more money or at the very least enable us to surround ourselves with the luxuries in life – things, stuff. The latest car, computer, phone, TV, security device to protect our home and our stuff.

Isn’t that incredible?

We are concerned with wealth and how to create it and to look after it and to make more of it. Why is that?

Is it to enjoy a long and happy retirement without any worries?

To show our kids there is another way to live, a better way?

To have a sense of some self-worth?  Really???

Let me ask you…if you had a million, two, three, four or five in the bank, a large and fancy home that was paid for in full, the flashiest car and all the latest techno gadgets and fluffy cushions to make your life comfortable and worthy, and you have accumulated all of this because of the work and the decisions you have made in your life how would you feel?

Seriously, “How would you feel?”

Are you sure about that?

Now…tell me…If you had all of that and your health was shot to pieces because of the decisions you had made in your life, and you were unable to enjoy your existence because let’s face it you are grossly overweight, can barely move or breathe – even speaking is a problem; or maybe you are in and out of hospital having all the latest tests to find out what you can do at this late stage in your existence because  you are not really living are you? Tell me how you would feel?

Sounds harsh?


I want you to think and to think deeply as to how you measure your worth when it comes to wealth.

Yes!  I offered you two extremes – yet this is what people do to themselves on a daily basis. They invest in the former and forget the latter!

Your health is your wealth.

Investing in wealth of the monetary kind is all well and good as long as you are investing in your health too. Otherwise, what is the point if you cannot enjoy the financial wealth you have accumulated? Or is that it? The point – Or rather your point is ‘Aaaah but as I now have the financial wealth I can now look after my health! What if it’s too late?

What then? Wotcha gonna do?

Now don’t get me wrong investing your hard-earned cash is not a bad thing. What is a bad thing is neglecting our health or believing that we are looking after it with all the ready ‘meals’ we consume! It is proper food right? Wrong!

It might look like it on the packet but wait until you take it out! And…what about those ingredients? Can you pronounce them all? How many are there?

Food today, processed foods do not deserve the label food. Food is natural, it is supposed to be live enhancing NOT life poisoning!

Since the 1850’s, there has been a dramatic decline in the quality of the food produced by the food industry. The advent of ‘fast-food’ in the 1950’s changed the diet of the western world dramatically and the nutritional quality of man-made foods has gradually got worse. This has now spread to the East.

Fresh foods stopped being so fresh as farming methods changed too to produce more foods.

The chemical and pharmaceutical industries grew too as they were racing to produce chemicals to speed up crop rotations and to fertilise (or rather destroy) the fertile soil nature had provided us with, in an effort to produce more crops.

The advent of anti-biotics discovered and made to enhance human life, soon found their way into the food chain so animals could produce more and more…I could go on.

Yet while all this was happening, health – human health began to decline and continues to do so. All this despite the health systems put into place by countries and governments to look after populations following the Second World War.

The driving force behind all this is the accumulation of wealth!

Financial wealth! Why?

Money is power! Or so we are led to believe!

Yet in reality, all it is, is a mechanism for exchange…a mechanism that man has made.

Even as I wrote that, I realised that that is not quite so…

All the money in the world will not give you happiness nor will it give you perfect, or even good health – physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Only YOU can do that.

There IS another way.

There IS another way to enjoy a long and happy retirement without any worries.

There IS another way to show our kids another way to live, a better way.

There IS another way to have a sense of self-worth.

How? By investing in YOU rather than stuff or things!

It ALL begins on the inside! The inside of you!

Your WEALTH PORTFOLIO would be more beneficial and serve you better if you were to

Invest in your HEALTH DEVELOPMENT – Physically and Mentally.

Invest in your PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT – Emotionally and Psychologically.

If I could show you HOW to do this would you take a look?

If I could show you HOW to do this AND show you HOW you can measure your improved health scientifically, would you take a look now?

We like to measure our financial wealth in measurable ways…why not our health?  

Well, I CAN show you how YOU CAN!

The question is…

Are you ready to take a look at HOW you can invest in YOUR HEALTH and measure YOUR progress? Contact me.


Without it YOU have nothing. NO thing.

I speak from personal experience.

Note: It is NEVER TOO LATE to do something about improving your health. Start NOW!
That too is from personal experience.

Would you like some help with that?


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